Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Cara mempercepat Koneksi Internet Modem FLEXI

Cara mempercepat Koneksi Internet Modem FLEXI - Nih gan ane nemu SOFTEX Software buat mempercepat koneksi internet khususnya buat modem yg lelet kaya keong..
yah walaupun gak secepat di warnet tapi setidaknya bisa mengimbangi keadaan jaringan,tapi perlu di ketahui gan,sofware ini gak akan perfungsi jika keadaan jaringan emang lagi error,khususnya buat pengguna kartu FLEXI yg jaringannya agak sedikit gila..

Nih gan Softwarenya..

Apa sih cFosSpeed?
- software optimalisasi penggunaan internet, yang berfungsi sbb:

* Low Ping
* Prioritising programs
* Prioritising protocols
* Online Budgets
* Firewall

Koneksi yang di support

* Broadband: Cabel and DSL
* Narrow band: Modem and ISDN
* Mobile
* Media: DSL, PPPoE, DSL, PPPoA (VCmux and LLC), DSL, PPTP, Cable, ISDN, IP over AAL, RFC1483/2684 bridged

Beuuuhhh..., bahasa teknis... ga ngerti ah.
Software ini berguna untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan bandwith internet, untuk gaming, uploader, downloader. All Arround.

- Pernah merasakan ngelag main game online waktu sambil download? atau bahkan disconnect.
- Tidak bs browsing ketika upload karena apabila browsing / download akan mengganggu transfer data?
- Browsing macet ketika download dari torrent?
Download di All Cyber

aink stageII 31 May, 2012

Source: http://all-cyber.blogspot.com/2012/05/cara-mempercepat-koneksi-internet-modem.html
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4 Tips to Remove the new Virus is not Detected

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4 Tips to Remove the new Virus is not Detected
May 30, 2012 at 11:34 PM
4 Tips to Remove the new Virus is not Detected
For those of you whose computers like a virus, the following guidelines may be useful below. In theory this could kill 90% of the outstanding, just a macro virus (Word, Excel) and viruses that damage the files (EXE extension) are difficult to clean in this way, although transmission can be prevented.

Eradicate Viruses With the Windows Command

When the computer sensed netter virus, trojan and spyware (in this case we categorize it as a virus aja), which is usually the indication of the view that there is not usually on the desktop, the program used and the browser. Should immediately take the following steps:

  • Stage One, Turn off Virus in MemoryPress Ctrl + Alt + Del to display the Windows Task Manager - then to the "Processes", then click the "User Name" to sort the file is processed in memory. After that, there are parts that look suspicious or not. When many of the in-loading on the memory, should be turned off before the automatic startup was loading at the bottom right (the speaker icon and the clock). Turn off all the icons in a "quit" or "exit" from the program.

Virus loading into memory is usually a EXE file. This step to prevent the virus to spread in advance through our memory. Turn off all the loading EXE file in our memory that we have previously sorted based on the "User Name". Do not turn off the category file "System", "Local Service", and "Network Service", because it can make our system Hang or Freeze.

  • Second stage, Disable Virus on StartupTo disable the virus so as not terloading into memory, we have to throw it on startup. How we can use the MSCONFIG command, click the menu Stаrt> Rυn> msconfig - after which it will perform the "System Configuration Utility". Then choose the "Startup", in this case should netter who do not understand where the loading which is not a virus, you should select "Disable AƖƖ". Later, new netters reactivate the desired startup if the virus is clean.

When netter who know where the file is loading the necessary files, and what is not, or where the virus or not, should menbuang stain (check box) in the box to the left of the suspected virus. This method will disable the virus in our startup.

  • Third stage, Delete Files From Your Computer VirusLook by using the "search" in Windows, click the menu Stаrt> Search, then look for the virus EXE file (example: PƖеаѕе ԁ. Exe) before loading on the memory or startup. These files are usually kept by the author in the Windows or System32 folder of Windows. Once found, delete or delete the file.

  • Fourth Phase, Remove Virus from the System RegistryThis stage is the last stage. We must use the command REGEDIT to modify and to delete the virus from our registry. Choose Stаrt> Rυn> regedit - go to the menu "Edit" select "Find" (or press Ctrl + F). Enter the name of the virus file that we want to delete (examples: PƖеаѕе ԁ. Exe), then select "Find Next". If found virus files, delete all the registry that contains the virus (along with the folder if any).

Then continue by pressing the "F3" or in the menu choose "Edit" continue "Find Next". Usually the virus file is placed at several places in the registry. So be sure to remove everything to clean netter, in the sense that the computer registry is free of the virus loading. Because if not it will work in vain.
Media Files
membuat+virus+komputer.gif (GIF Image)
How to Eliminate Virus Effect In Windows Computer
May 30, 2012 at 8:58 AM
The following Windows functions due to damage caused by a missing computer virus and a few steps to overcome them:

The loss of Menu Regedit / Disable Registry EditorHow to restore regedit menu or disable Regedit Registry editor who happened by using the software RegistryFix. Run and restart your computer.Download Registry Fix Software here.

Loss of Folder OptionThese Steps To restore Folder Option in windows:Edit the registry entry or Regedit menu select one of the ways to regedit menu:

  1.     Click the Start menu >> Run >> Type in: regedit and click Ok
  2.     Click the start menu >> all programs accesories >>> >>> >>> click Command Prompt typing regedit.exe click enter

Then check your windows registry in part:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER >>> Software >>> Microsoft >>> Windows >>> Explorer >>> CurrentVersion >>> >>> Policies on the right panel check >>> Value name NoFolderOption double click and edit the value data to 0If you do not ignore menenemukan NofolderOption proceed to the next step:HKEY_LOKAL_MACHINE >>> SOFTWARE >>> Microsoft >>> Windows >>> Explorer >>> CurrentVersion >>> Advanced >>> FolderCheck one by one in the section:

  •     Hidden >> NOHIDDEN >> Make sure the part is worth 2 and defaultValue CheckedValue well worth the two
  •     Hidden >> SHOWALL >> sure on the CheckedValue defaultValue Value to 1 and 0
  •     HideFileExt >>> sure CheckedValue make sure value is 0, make sure the defaultValue is 0, UncheckedValue, make sure the value 1.
  •     SuperHidden >>> Check CheckedValue is 0, the defaultValue is 0 and the value  UncheckedValue 1.

Close Regedit and go to the next step:Group Policies menu entry in the following way:

  1.     Click the Start menu >> Run >> typing: gpedit.msc or
  2.     Click the start menu >> all progra
  3. ms accesories >>> >>> >>> click Command Prompt typing gpedit.msc click enter

Click the menu >>> User Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> Windows Explorer Windows Componet >>> In the right panel, select double click on "Remove the Folder Options menu item from the tools" not configured >>> mark >> apply and okClose Group Policies and then restart your Computer folder will appear as before.

The loss of Task ManagerSign In or Regedit Edit Menu regedistry >>> typing >>> Click Find menu: click DisableTaskMgr >> find >> if you have found a fox Value data from 1 to 0

The loss of the Start Menu Run MenuLog regedistry Edit menu or the edit menu click Regedit >>> >>> >>> Find typed: >> click NoRun find if you have found a fox >> Value data from 1 to 0

The loss of files on the hard diskOnce your computer got a virus and once you do the scanning with anti virus, then it is likely that some of the files you lost, try checking it again to your file again. Setting the Folder Options >>> View >>> mark show Hidden Files and folders and uncheck Hide Protected Operating system files aply OK. After that check again your file is missing, usually the virus will hide your file with you to change file attributes hidden / super hidden, to restore or change the attributes you can use the software Attribute Changer.

Please Download Attribute Changer Software here.
Media Files
virus+terbaru.jpg (JPEG Image)
Solution From How to repair USB flash drive Write Protection
May 29, 2012 at 8:38 PM

Fixing Damaged flash drive (Write Protected and Not Be in Format). Last night me semaleman try roving-roving Internet because of several software who usual I wear to perform repairs flashdisk such as which flashdisk not could in format through windows not running because not could fix the wrong flashdisk brands SILICON 8 GB.Case for the stick is:
  •     Properties are seen Flahsdisk be 0 byte
  •     When you want to open flash always ask to reformat
  •     Can not be in the format through windows and through some software to repair the damage the flash.

Because flash can not be in the format using the windows as usual, then I try to format the flash using some software following the flash format (catatanteknisi.com):Format Software Flashdisk

  •     HP USB Disk Storage Format Tools - (download here). This software can be used to fix the flash that can not be formatted using windows.
  •     HP Drive Boot Utility (download here) - This software is able to fix the flash that propertisnya 0 bytes
  •     Super Stick Recovery Tools - download here
  •     Flashdisk Repair - download here
  •     JetFlash Recovery Tool - download here

With five software I use one at a time but the result is also zero, the flash is also still can not be formatted and the message "device media is write protected", the more confused I get, I try to use the software to open the flash write protect the flash but it was not in a state write protected.Increasingly confused alone ago I roving-roving internet, finally I found the tutorial who somewhat complicated but with tutorial who complicated tersebutlah finally flashdisk SILICON 8 GB such can be repaired.Here's an excerpt steps to fix the flash that is damaged or can not always ask for a format or formats such as I quoted from tituitbom.com:

 1. Download USB Viewer software. The usefulness of this software is to know the VID (Vendor ID) and PID (Product ID) flash disk. 

2. After knowing the VID and PID which you can see the USB Viewer software on the device and then viewed in connectednya, will appear Ox [PID] or Ox [VID] as shown below:

Solution From How to repair USB flash drive Write Porotection

Flash not read / Not Detected and Solutions 

3. Then please visit http://www.flashboot.ru/iflash.html

4. Enter the VID and PID of data we flash in the box provided and click the button next to it. 

5. It will appear the names of the flash along with the details, match stick yours.

 6. After match a, copy writings the most right-from detail Flashdisk you guys such and paste in the search box website earlier in the right corner upper.
Solution From How to repair USB flash drive Write Porotection

Solution From How to repair USB flash drive Write Porotection

7. Then the you guys akan be provided link for download the software the necessary. 

8. After downloading it by clicking Ckayatb writing (I was not sure how to write it like that)

9. Extract the file and open, and the way software has been downloaded it. 

10. The flash you will be normal again. 

Maybe it's just not how to fix the flash that can be formatted, if there is another way that you know. Please add in the comment box below.
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Koleksi Foto Pelacur Geylang Singapura

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Koleksi Foto Pelacur Geylang Singapura
May 30, 2012 at 10:06 PM
Koleksi Foto PSK / Perek / Pelacur Geylang Singapura - Geylang merupakan daerah prostitusi ternama di Singapura. Tempat ini sangat menarik karena para PSK datang dari berbagai macam negara seperti Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, India, China, dan juga orang lokal dari Singapura sendiri. Kehidupan malam sangat menarik di tempat ini karena selain ramai dikunjungi oleh para pria gatal, tempat ini juga tempat berkumpulnya restoran – restoran yang menyuguhkan santapan lezat khusus malam hari. Harga PSK juga sangat terjangkau, yakni mulai dari Rp 300,000 hingga Rp 2 juta sekali main tergantung kepada kualitas. Silahkan dinikmati foto – fotonya.

Koleksi Foto Pelacur Geylang SingapuraKoleksi Foto Pelacur Geylang Singapura

Koleksi Foto Pelacur Geylang Singapura

Koleksi Foto Pelacur Geylang Singapura

Koleksi Foto Pelacur Geylang Singapura
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PSK-Geylang-Singapura-SerbaPopuler-1.jpg (JPEG Image)
Pramugari Hot Pamer Toket Mulus
May 30, 2012 at 5:23 PM
Selain cantik Pramugari HOT ini Pamer Toge Mulus
Pramugari Hot Pamer Toket Mulus

Pramugari Hot Pamer Toket Mulus

Pramugari Hot Pamer Toket Mulus
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pramugari+toge+bambang+gene+%281%29.jpg (JPEG Image)
Kumpulan Foto SPG Hot Abis
May 30, 2012 at 5:20 PM
Iseng iseng ane jalan jalan Ke Negara Tetangga (via internet tapi) ternyata ane nemu kaya beginian. ABG Malaysia sedang beraksi dengan tampilan seksi. Ternyata Disana Ada juga ABG Cantiknya, ane pikir disana tu isinya cuma tukang sate, Tukang Becak Sama Upin-ipin , tau-taunya ada yang bening Juga, ya lumayanlah buat mata melek.
ABG Malaysia
Tapi teteplah bagaimana pun ABG Indonesia Paling Cantik, ane cinta produk lokal aja dah gan. Kan kita menggalakkan cinta produk dalam negri... hehehehee....

Nih Foto nya :

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gadis+abg+malaysia+seksi.jpg (JPEG Image)
Koleksi Foto HOT Anita Hara BB+
May 30, 2012 at 5:19 PM
Koleksi Foto HOT Anita Hara BB+

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anita+hara+bambang+gene+%281%29.jpg (JPEG Image)
Model Dengan Payudara Menantang [ HOT PICT ]
May 30, 2012 at 5:16 PM
Inilah gambaran jika seorang wanita cantik mempunyai payudara yang besarnya melebihi ukuran BH (bra) yang digunakannya. Kira-kira terlihat lebih seksi atau malah terlihat kasihan dengan payudaranya yang sepertinya tergencet.....hehehehehe.....takut bisa pecah aja.....doooooorrr !!!

Tapi kalau dilihat dari mata pria yang sehat dan normal, dijamin dengan jujur maka matanya akan melotot tajam dan ingin menolong untuk bisa menjaga payudaranya agar tidak pecah atau tumpah......minimal sih......hehehehehehe......... ...

 Payudara Menantang

 Payudara Menantang

 Payudara Menantang

 Payudara Menantang

 Payudara Menantang

Sumber : http://www.bambang-gene.com/2012/05/model-dengan-payudara-menantang-hot.html#ixzz1wLYO3xC7
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